Jesus went to Jerusalem near unto the Senofegia ( =Tabernacles), a feast of our nation. The scribes and Pharisees having perceived this, took counsel to catch him in his talk.
Whereupon, there came to him a doctor! saying: 'Master what must I do to have eternal life?'
Jesus answered: 'How is it written in the law?"
The temper answered, saying: 'Love the Lord thy God and thy neighbour. Thou shalt love thy God above all things with all thy heart and thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself.'
Jesus answered: 'Thou hast answered well: therefore go and do thou so, I say, and thou shalt have eternal life.'
He said unto him: 'And who is my neighbour?'
Jesus answered, lifting up his eyes: 'A man was going down from Jerusalem to go unto Jericho, a city rebuilt under a curse. This man on the road was seized by robbers, wounded and stripped; hereupon they departed, leaving him half dead. It chanced that a priest passed by that place, and he, seeing the wounded man, passed on without greeting him. In like manner passed a Levite, without saying a word. It chanced that there passed [also] a Samaritan, who, seeing the wounded man, was moved to compassion, and alighted from his horse, and took the wounded man and washed his wounds with wine, and anointed them with ointment, and binding up his wounds for him and comforting him, he set him upon his own horse. Whereupon, having arrived in the evening at the inn, he gave him into the charge of the host. And when he had risen on the morrow, he said: "Take care of this man, and I will pay thee all." And having presented four gold pieces to the sick man for the host. he said: "Be of good cheer, for I will speedily return and conduct thee to my own home." '
'Tell me,' said Jesus, 'which of these was the neighbour?'
The doctor answered: 'He who showed mercy.'
Then said Jesus: 'Thou hast answered rightly; therefore go and do thou likewise.'
The doctor departed in confusion.
30: Eternal Life
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