'The judgment day of God will be so dreadful that, verily I say unto you, the reprobates would sooner choose ten hells than go to hear God speak in wrath against them. Against whom all things created will witness. Verily I say unto you, that not alone shall the reprobates fear, but the saints and the elect of God, so that Abraham, shall not trust in his righteousness, and Job shall have no confidence in his innocency. And what say I? Even the messenger of God shall fear, for that God, to make known his majesty, shall deprive his messenger of memory, so that he shall have no remembrance how that
God hath given him all things. Verily I say unto you that, speaking from the heart, I tremble because by the world I shall be called God, and for this I shall have to render an account. As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth. I am a mortal man as other men are, for although God has placed me as prophet over the house of Israel for the health of the feeble and the correction of sinners, I am the servant of God, and of this ye are witness, how I speak against those wicked men who after my departure from the world shall annual the truth of my gospel by the operation of Satan. But I shall return towards the end, and with me shall come Enoch and Elijah, and we will testify against the wicked, whose end shall be accursed.' And having thus spoken, Jesus shed tears, whereat his disciples wept aloud, and lifted their voices, saying: 'Pardon, O Lord
God, and have mercy on thy innocent servant.' Jesus answered: 'Amen, Amen.'
52: Dreadful Day
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