While they were making merry in the house, the elder son came home, and hearing that they were making merry within, he marvelled and called one of the servants, asking him why they were making merry in this way. The servant answered him: 'Your brother [has] come [home] and your father has killed the fatted calf, and they are feasting.' The elder son was greatly angered when he heard this, and would not go into the house. Therefore his father came out to him and said to him: 'Son, your brother [has] come. Come therefore and rejoice with him.'
The [elder] son answered with indignation: 'I have always served you with good service, and you never gave me a lamb to eat with my friends. But as for this worthless fellow that departed from you, wasting all his portion with harlots, now that he is come you have killed the fatted calf!" The father answered: 'Son, you are always with me and everything is yours; but this one was dead and is alive again, was lost and now is found; [that is why] we must rejoice.' The elder son was more angry, and said: 'You can go and triumph [but] I will not eat at the table of fornicators." And he departed from his father without receiving even a piece of money. As God lives," said Jesus, "even so is there rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner that repents."
And when they had eaten he departed for he [was going] to Judea. The disciples said: "Master, do not go to Judea, for we know that the Pharisees have taken counsel with the high priest against you." Jesus answered: "I knew it before they did it, but I do not fear, for they cannot do anything contrary to the will of God. Let them do all that they desire, for I do not fear them but [rather] fear God.